Amy Rush and Djonam Saltani are staying in Guest Studio in January 2008
Amy Rush born 1980 Sydney Australia. Studied at the College of Fine Arts Sydney, Australia. After becoming interested in holography she went to the Center for Holographic Arts NYC to undertake a one year internship. In 2005 she was offered a fellowship at the Academy of Media Arts Koln, Germany to work further in the medium of digital holography. Last year she fished her thesis titled “Rainbows – The Superhighway of Travel Between Material And Virtual Worlds” which Focused on rainbow holography. Currently amid a world tour of her exhibition Rainbow Galactica which showcases her work spaning the last 4 years along side the works of friends. First shown in Sydney, Australia, then NYC last month, now in here in Iceland before heading to London and then Germany. Her work plays with the popular misconception of holograms being copies of their subjects, and uses this misconception to create a new authored rainbow reality. The images share the characteristics of a rainbow as well as depicting rainbow imagery which combined allows you to enter into this world via the reoccurring figure in the work. A kitsch aesthetic with a narrative sharing stories of eternal moments captured in moving 3d rainbow holography.
Djonam Saltani is a young artist that never fixed himself in one particular medium,
Acting as a sick victim and his own doctor. His practice revolves around the paradox of being a spectator and a creator, he consider himself as a philosophical sponge, absorbing the sweaty contents of society weather it is cultural, political, mythological and squeeze them back into fantasized distorted sculptures drawings installations.
Lately he focused within the medium of ceramics ,creating a body of work standing against the traditional codes of pottery, using clay as a child uses Lego blocks. He developed his concept of horizontal un-monumentality by sculpting perverted visions of cities and other parallel realms