

This Thursday, 20th March our Canadian guests artists will be opening two exhibitions. ROBERT FORTIN and PAUL MALINOWSKI will be opening the exhibition A Small Plot of Land at POPULUS TREMULA. The exhibition opens at 14:00 and will be open throughout the easter weekend, from 14:00 to 17:00.
ROBERT and PAUL will also be presenting their book Somewhere Near Here.

Erin Glover will be opening her exhibition, A Forest for Iceland in GALLERY BOX on the 20th, not the 22nd as previously advertised. The exhibition opens at 14:00. and will be open throughout the easter weekend, from 14:00 to 17:00.

In addition, on Friday 21. March. PAUL FORTIN will be performing his music in POPULUS TREMULA. THe house opens at 20:30 and the actual events starts at 21:00. Access is free as usual.

Fimmtudaginn næstkomandi, þann 20. mars munu kanadískir gestalistamenn Gestavinnustofu Gilfélagsins á Akureyri opna sýningar sínar.
PAUL FORTIN og ROBERT MALINOWSKI munu opna sína sýningu, A Small Plot of Land, í POPULUS TREMULA kl. 14:00. PAUL og ROBERT munu einnig kynna bók sína Somewhere Near Here.
Sýningin verður opin yfir páska helgina, frá 14:00 - 17:00.

Erin Glover mun síðan opna sína sýningu, A Forest for Iceland í GALLERÝ BOX samdægurs, einnig kl 14:00. Sú sýning mun einnig vera opin yfir páska helgina, frá 14:00 - 17:00

Föstudaginn þann 21. mars mun PAUL síðan flytja tónlist sína í POPULUS TREMULA fyrir gesti og gangandi. Húsið opnar kl. 20:30 en atburðurinn byrjar kl. 21:00. Það er frítt inn að venju.