Anna Mields og Linda Franke í Deiglunni
Anna K. Mields og Linda Franke sem dvelja nú í gestavinnustofu Gilfélagsins opna sýninguna "The Living House" í Deiglunni, föstudaginn 25. júlí. Sýningin stendur aðeins þessa einu helgi. Sýningin hefst á spennandi gjörningi klukkan 5 á föstudeginum.
Þema sýningarinnar er leyndardómurinn í hversdagslegum hlutum. Matur, diskar og húsgögn umkringja okkur. Þessir hlutir eru markaðir hversdagslegum gjörðum okkar. Daglegar venjur okkar eru nánast ómeðvitaðar, en þegar við gerum þær að athöfn breytist skynjun okkar á þeim.
Hvað ef þessir hversdagslegu hlutir fá sitt eigið líf? Er munur á trúnni á hið leyndardómsfulla og yfirnáttúrulega og hátækni og funksjónalisma?
Anna Mields recent work deals with association themes of still life tradition and fetishism. She works with fragmentary moments of the everyday and investigates moments when controlled or constrained actions occur to those casted objects. Often presented or displayed on structures suggesting containment the casts functions as strange decoration or obtains a function as character.
Within the videos everyday food products occur alienated from its usual appearance and there specific movement is created through a performative act. Within those situations the former disregarded object gains meaning signifying and dealing with different conditions of the human body.
The performance artist Linda Franke works in an unusually sensual way and constructs a narrative, which reveals her affinity to surrealist paintings and a fantastically bizarre world of film images. Complex room installations involving costumes and mask are basic equipment in her performances, which generally happen only once and suggest performance as an ephemeral experience. The aspect of visuality that shows in emphasizing material qualities such as silicon, rubber, foam, wax, fabric, wood and food and is combined with sound elements from different music genres ranging from jazz to opera.
A certain motionlessness of the scenes suggests to draw comparison to a „Tableau Vivants“ a living picture.
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