Anna McCarthy/ Heimir Björgúlfsson - Exhibition in GalleriBOX
Þann 20. September, laugardag, kl. 14:00 mun Anna McCarthy opna sýningu sína í GalleriBOX.Anna McCarthy hefur verið gestalistamaður Gilfélagsins í september. Sýningin ber heitið ,,Where have all the heroes gone?".
Ásamt Önnu McCarthy mun Heimir Björgúlfsson opna sýningu sína ,, Silfur er að tala".
Sýningarnar munu vera opnar Laugardaga & Sunnudaga frá 14:00 til 17:00
Léttar veitingar verða í boði
20th of september, saturday, at 14:00 Anna McCarthy's exhibition will open. It carries the title "Where have all the heroes gone?". Anna McCarthy has been the Gil societies guestartist of september. At the same time an Icelandic artist by the name of Heimir Björgúlfsson will open his exhibition, "Silver is to speak". Both exhibitions will be open saturdays and sundays from 14:00 to 17:00.