
MAJA WOLA: Introduction/kynning

Maja Wolna is the guest artist of the Gil Society in June.

"In my artistic project I would especially like to concentrate on the quest of human identity. I am particularly interested in this subject which requires us to asking a question what we understand through such concept. Where could we find identity or what influence does it have on us? Does consciousness of cultural identity make our life more understandable and stronger or is that an obstacle which restricts ourself?

I am polish and I grew up here but it does not mean that I solely identify with this culture. One source of inspiration me to contributing to the creation of the idea of my project was my journey to Central Asia in the summer 2007 where I have looked for my roots. My search has induced me to explore the idea of human identity and such concept together with my subjective artistic view will be the main goal of my research.

I work with different media and I have been mostly using graphic techniques like woodcutting, silk-screening, offsetting, poster production, painting and other media in which I can express myself in the best way. Poster art as a contrary and absurd commentator of reality with its clear and forcible means is an excellent vehicle for expressing content. That is one reason why poster art is the most familiar artistic language for me. But in my opinion the medium should not constitute the whole point of the project and that is why in my work I would like to use different media and during my research on Iceland I will not be restricted to any particular one.

During my stay I am planning to conduct interviews with citizens of Iceland, other researchers and artists too. Their own view and exchange of ideas may open new ways of my perception.

As a result of my research I anticipate producing paintings, drawings and posters through which I would like to express the main goal of my artistic statement. On the basis of meetings and conversations I am going also to produce a series of photographs and short films.

In my view Iceland will be an excellent place for my work. I trust that my stay will provide variety and be very helpful in the realization of my project and will open new avenues of my artistic exploration."

Maja Wolna


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