
Kristina Kvalvik & Christina Leithe Hansen are the guest artist of the Gil Society in February.

Kristina Kvalvik (b.1980) is a Norwegian artist currently based in Copenhagen, Denmark. She has studied film and fine art in Norway, Sweden and Canada, and completed her MFA from Malmö Art Academy (SE) in 2008. Kvalvik´s work deals with matters relating to surveillance, the inexplicable, and the threatening. In her video installations Kvalvik examine the limitations of sight and our ability to interpret what we see. She creates characters that take their form from the perspective of looking, rather than the position of being looked at. Her goal is to enrich the position of the subject by creating subjects in film that are whole and integral, even when they explore and expose the private space of their innermost fantasies.
Link to homepage: www.kristinakvalvik.com

Christina Leithe Hansen (b.1978) is a Norwegian artist currently based in Oslo, Norway. She has studied fine art in Norway, Sweden and Scotland, and completed her MFA from Malmö Art Academy (SE) in 2006. The basis of her work is presenting subject and categories of gender - and relations between image and cultural society. In her work with photography she uses traditions of documentary to construct and establish a fictional narration. When building up a scene in her pictures, she focus at a personal reaction and an emotional expression, leaving the actual performance minimal.
Link to homepage: www.christinaleithe.com

Our intention with a stay in Akureyri is to continue to do research and collect visual recordings to use in our practise. Looking at and inspired by our meeting with Akureyri, its environment and surroundings, this place will inspire, form and set marks in our work being made here.

Kristina Kvalvik & Christina Leithe Hansen 2011
