
Listamaður aprílmánaðar var ljósmyndarinn Mark Fohl frá Ohio í Bandaríkjunum.

Lines and Angles

I enjoy photographing cities.  I can only photograph what I see, unfortunately, not what I feel or imagine.  I am attracted to form and structure, lines and angles, elements and details.  I often photograph small details; things that everybody sees, but nobody remembers.  Taking these details out of context puts an exclamation point on them.  And I look for shadows.  Shadows are often the main element in the photo, and the owner of the shadow is secondary, if visible at all.

And when I can, I look for humor: humorous situations, humorous people.  Not that they intend to be humorous, but sometimes the camera makes them that way.

Most of my exhibition work is done in film-based black and white.  I use the old process for two main reasons.  The first is that I enjoy the process itself.  Developing the film is a necessary component.  And printing the film in the darkroom is at least half the fun of the overall process.  I find the darkroom to be very therapeutic, and I spend as much time as possible there.  Second, and more importantly, good darkroom prints on fiber-based paper have an unparalleled textural quality.  The picture is in the paper, not on it.  I much prefer that to either non-fiber darkroom prints or digital prints.  I do my color work digitally, but I will continue to use the darkroom for black and white work as long as the materials are available.

I use many cameras and many camera formats.  My two primary cameras are the standard 35 mm single lens reflex and a digital single lens reflex camera.  Although I have many lenses for the 35 mm camera, most of my images are made with the “normal” 50 lens and a somewhat wide 24 mm lens.  The others are used sparingly.  In addition, I have used a medium format twin lens reflex for many years.  I don’t use it so often now because I am finding the size and the weight to be more of an issue.  I do regularly use a medium format plastic Holga camera.  Its cheap lens creates a certain special effect, and the camera can be used to reduce the subject to form and texture.  I also use a pinhole camera for the same reason.  Photography using the Holga or pinhole camera reduces the subject to form and tone; there is no detail.  Finally, I have a 35 mm and a medium format panorama cameras.  These also yield distinctive special effects.

Having said all that stuff, I really enjoyed my time in the city of Akureyri and the nearby area.  I found all the lines, angles, details, shadows and other things that are in cities.  And I want to express my thanks to all the people who made that possible.  It was a terrific experience.